Mucon Valves Home
The most popular valve in Mucon's hand-operated range of iris valves.
Body parts are manufactured from aluminum, zinc and bronze alloys. Nylon triggers and 316 stainless steel screws all combat corrosion. Models 380 and 450 have handwheel operation as standard.
-316 stainless steel part or full construction
-Multi-notching to enhance flow control
-Coated standard construction
-Handwheel operation for sizes 150mm to 450mm
-Double diaphragm for in-line applications with no leakage to atmosphere
-Robust construction for medium to heavy duties, handling materials up to 1600 kg/m³
-In-situ iris diaphragm adjustment reducing maintenance time
-Proven design suitable for frequent operation
-Diaphragms selected to suit application
-Bore sizes from 80mm to 450mm
-Full bore iris opening (no restriction to product flow)
-No mechanical wear by abrasive products
-Sleeves and liners easy and inexpensive to replace
-Easy valve operation and maintenance
-Safe, gentle and strong
Select another iris valve model: AD / ADP / BD / C / E / H / JS / K